(2009) New Labour M.P. Douglas Alexander -LEECH ON THE TAXPAYER

Douglas Alexander, the International Development Secretary, spent more than £30,000 doing up his constituency home – which then suffered damage in a house fire.

Declaring that he had been “under-insured,” Mr Alexander sought permission from the fees office to kit out a new home at taxpayers’ expense. He stayed there for six months while his 120-year-old house was being repaired.

Not exactly short of a few bob, is he?: 

Douglas Alexander

Job: Secretary of State for International Development
Salary: £141,866
Sample expenses for second home in Renfrewshire April 2007 to March 2008
Food: £1,340
Utilities: £1,168
Telephone and communications: £365
Cleaning: £0
Service/maintenance: none
Repairs/insurance: £1,607
Other: (includes) bedding £550, CD player £69, painting £210, carpet £830, chimney relined £928, garage doors £420

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