(2009) Conservative M.P. Brian Binley -PARASITE

A millionaire Conservative MP broke parliamentary rules by claiming more than £50,000 in taxpayer-funded expenses to rent a flat from his own company.

Brian Binley claimed £1,500 a month to rent the flat for more than three years, despite House of Commons rules forbidding MPs from renting properties from themselves or their companies.

The Daily Telegraph can disclose that Mr Binley’s rental claims were first flagged up by parliamentary officials in April 2006, but the payments were not stopped until April of this year.

In 2006, he was told that the claims were not allowed. But he was permitted to continue claiming after appealing to Michael Martin, the Speaker of the House of Commons. Mr Martin only ruled in April 2009 that the claims must stop but Mr Binley has not had to repay the £57,000 he improperly received while the Speaker deliberated.

The latest disclosure concerning MPs’ expenses will cast further serious doubts over the policing of the system by the parliamentary authorities.


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Binley's Previous Crime:

An MP, who tried to get a driving ban overturned by claiming it would harm his constituents, has lost his appeal. Brian Binley, MP for Northampton South, totted up 12 points on his licence when caught doing 37mph in a 30mph zone in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire. The 65-year-old MP, with nine points already, was given three more and a ban in March, by Towcester magistrates. Judge Richard Bray at Northampton Crown Court confirmed the six-month ban because he had the resources to cope. Mr Binley, caught speeding in August last year, claimed he needed his car to reach constituents in his rural seat.

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